Mini Hüppen Table Dispenser

Ideal as a team gift and for shared coffee breaks

An ideal gift for entire companies and teams and the perfect accompaniment to every client visit. Impress clients, partners and employees with a mini Hüppen table dispenser that’s on standby for every coffee break. Design your own label or the entire dispenser in line with your ideas. Our crunchy mini Hüppen are also available in customised foil prints.

Product specifications

Minimum order volume 100 pieces
Delivery period 6 weeks
from print approval
Shelf life 7 months
from production
Price On request
Request partial quantities Request your personalized product in partial quantities and benefit from fresh best-before dates.

Contents & Size

You can get the Gottlieber Mini-Hüppen as 560g or 1kg table dispenser.

The following flavours are available

  • Tradition (Praline, Mocha, Gianduja)
  • Classic (Vanilla, Caramel, Almond)
Gottlieber table dispenser (560 g) in your desired design
  • filled with ca. 140 Mini Hüppen
Gottlieber table dispenser (1 kg) with your own label
  • filled with ca. 255 Mini Hüppen
Gottlieber table dispenser (1 kg) in your desired design
  • filled with ca. 255 Mini Hüppen
Gottlieber table dispenser (1 kg) in your desired design including foil
  • filled with ca. 255 Mini Hüppen

Design & Form

You can either design a label for the box or the entire box according to your wishes. Let your creativity run free!

The design is done by you or your agency. The data delivery must be 1:1 in one of the following formats:

  • Printable PDF
  • Indesign
  • Illustrator, EPS vectorized
  • Photoshop min. 300 dpi

We will gladly provide you with the die-cut for setting the layout.

We will be more than happy to advise you and prepare an individual offer for you.

Call us on +41 71 666 60 70, drop us an e-mail or use our contact form.
We look forward to hearing from you.